Watch anywhere, anytime. Design Matters on Demand
Watch and rewatch the talks and interviews of Design Matters 21 and Design Matters 20. Anywhere. Anytime you want. Without a single advert.
Get plenty of design inspiration all in one place. Watch from your laptop, phone, or tablet.
Subscribe now and get access to the video platform for one year. You’ll get new content throughout the year as well as special deals on our events.
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On the platform you will find:
• more than 40 videos of the talks & interviews from Design Matters 21 & 20
• the presentation slides of the talks
• two evening concerts from Design Matters 21
That’s not all! New videos and content will uploaded onto the platform throughout the year.
The subscription period is one year. At the end of the subscription period, you will receive a reminder about the possibility to renew your subscription. If you don’t do anything, you’ll lose access to all content. You can also change your settings, and make the renewal of the subscription automatic.
View the program of Design Matters 21 >
View the program of Design Matters 20 >
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Once you subscribe, by buying access to the video platform Vito, you will receive an invite via email directly from Vito – not Design Matters. Click on ‘Access the hub’ and you will be redirected to the platform Vito.
When you’re done setting up your profile (you can choose to make it public or private), select ‘Videos’ from the menu on the left of the screen. There, you’ll find all the videos of the talks and interviews.
You can set up a password on the platform, so that you can log in with your user name easily. If you don’t set any password, you will have to find the email with the invite and click on ‘Access the hub’ again; Vito will open and you will have to click on ‘Send me a magic link’ – you’ll receive a new email with the pass code to paste into Vito and access the platform again.
Sign up now>